by Adriane Ehman | October 2017

You know, I just got fed up with yoga. With teachers saying things like “In this backbend you are creating heart opening, which will move out into your life and help you love better… blah blah blah” or some shit like that.
All I could think is “What the f… are you talking about?!”.
It made me jaded and I craved someone to teach me the physical practice, (which is what asana is), not talk to me about how I should view myself or the world. In 90% of the yoga classes I went to, this was not the practice. So, I stopped taking yoga classes. Instead I developed my teaching style and continue to deeply educate myself on the body, how it moves and how it connects to the brain… not the mind, the actual brain and how I can make that connection better so that my physiology is improved.
Yoga has taught me boundaries. Physical, mental, emotional. I do not really know how to elaborate on that. It just had to be learned and managed. What is tangible and unites us all is, we all have a birth, a body, a breath, and a death.
When I teach, I call attention to these things. When you focus on your breathing the only option is to be present, in control of how your body feels and reacts. We spend so much time using this machine we have with out really paying attention to what it feels like and why it behaves as it does.
The more that we know about it, the more we can use it.
Do not be fooled. We have a finite amount of time in this body and this world, it will expire because it is designed too. There is so much humility in understanding this.
Adriana Ehmann is the founder of WTFYOGA: Yoga with PURPOSE. With practices designed to be calm, therapeutic, and most important: SAFE. You will walk away EVERY time feeling great. Visit the WTF YOGA website-->